Your Meditation

A big daunting term? It doesn’t need to be.

Meditation is a broad term that has many meanings to different cultures and religions and is carried out in a multitude of different ways.

If you googled it now you would get many different definitions for what it means to meditate. Varying from enlightenment to changing the way your mind works.

What is Meditation?

It is important to choose your own definition for what you would like to achieve meditating. For me it is:

“To create a space to be connected with my true self, my true self not associated to stress or worry”

I like to strip back the term. Instead of setting out time to meditate, simply set out time to sit still.

How do you meditate?

You will find a huge amount of different techniques for how to meditate. For some this is great, choice is of course one of the great privileges of the internet but for me it becomes a little overwhelming. How do I choose? Which is right for me?

Traditionally most meditation techniques all require you to sit comfortably in a seated position and bring your attention inwards focusing on your body and your breathe. You then sit in this space for a set amount of time bring your attention back to your breathe or focus point each time you have a thought.

Like many I started with Headspace a few years back. The worldwide app has brought meditation to the masses. To keep it fresh however there are a huge number of different courses you can do for a technique that I think should be left much more simple.

Challenges of meditation?

When I spent time in India one thing I was doing was meditating every morning. To meditate fully you need be in a comfortable seated position, cross legged on a mat or cushion. This enables your body to stay alert. If you are supported in your seated position you mind can become too relaxed and you could sleep.

I’m afraid as a chef this will probably be incredibly difficult. When I started I could sit cross legged for about 2 minutes before my middle back, hips or groin screamed at me to get up. This is very normal and not something that should stop you.

Asana, the movement part of yoga which we are all familiar with is the way you stretch and strengthen your body to be able to sit cross legged and meditate.

I am in two minds as to whether or we call the monkey mind a challenge to meditation. It’s what we are looking to calm and control using meditation.

Finding your meditation?

A teacher of mine recently gave me a different perspective on meditation. Meditation simply doesn’t have to be this traditional way. For some it is great but its not for everyone.

We meditate whenever we are consciously taking control of our thoughts using focus.

For you, when do you feel you have control of your thoughts, your monkey mind? It is this time you can cultivate. Expand on. To meditate.

It could be…

Brilliantly for us… when you cook? Cooking is a great meditation. Next time you are kneading bread or stirring a risotto simply focus your mind on your breathe, or on the job at hand. If you have a thought, acknowledge it and then let it go. Don’t judge yourself (keep up your Ahimsa practice – see my post on Ahimsa).

or is meditation for you when you are in the bath, whilst on a walk, whilst running or whilst doing a yoga class?

So, don’t be overwhelmed by the term. Just appreciate the benefits and give it a go.

For me I have always found that the more I meditate the more I can take this calmer mind into life. The stresses of life or the stresses of the kitchen.

If you would like to chat about how you could benefit from meditation drop me a message and we’ll have a chat, and if you have other ways that you think you meditate then please share.

Id love to hear from you.


John Anthony Barker

Ballymoloe trained chef, superstar and head chef at Good For The Soul Cafe in Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland talks about where his passion of food came from and the love you need to be a chef.

Food is an expression; a lifestyle choice ever before we step foot into a professional kitchen. For me, my love affair with food began as a quiet teenager in a family of wonderfully outspoken individuals as I asked myself what I could bring to the mayhem of this equation. The obvious answer, it seemed, was cake and suddenly things got personal.

All those years later, and things have changed little. A tough day can still be made better by a good bake; every family occasion is marked by a signature dessert, but what’s more is that each day has found me at the head of the Good For The Soul kitchen as my relationship with food goes from strength to strength.

The reason I touch back on the beginnings of one of the most important relationships in my life, is to then pave the way for a focus on the fragility and vulnerability which comes with such a connection. It is a brave move to subject something so important to the professional kitchen environment: an environment of intense pressure driven by the cruel mistress of time, under the watchful gaze of a temperamental audience. There must really be only one reason why we would do it, and it is true; we do it for the love.

However, love too is a double-edged sword, and in cooking with your heart, you put your head on the line. Despite being a part of a fast-paced team, the overriding narrative can often be your own thoughts. Such thoughts can manifest themselves in various forms along the spectrum, from the inner-saboteur to the well-satisfied ego. Orders flood in, plates go out and demands of tomorrow have already begun encroaching on your mind, and suddenly the lines between the head and the heart become blurred as the pressure grows and the pot boils.

A superior gives you feedback, a colleague does not share your vision, a customer takes to their online podium of power, blissfully unaware that for each blow they deliver, the ripple effect will throw another ten, leaving a chef accountable to their seniors, their peers and most directly to themselves.

There are so many external sources of impact on the mind of a chef that put our mental health in jeopardy. It is therefore our responsibility to be aware of such factors and to create that on/off switch between the personal and professional. Whilst easier said than done, what we can do for ourselves is simple: remind yourself regularly why you cook; what dish you first cooked which gave you the confidence to say ‘yes I can’ and stay present. Let not one flawed dish set a precedent for the following hundred, rather reaffirm why and prove yourself in the comeback, as you continue to strive for excellence.

The next step is to turn outwards, look at those around you. Those with whom you share a kitchen and a common goal are quite likely experiencing similar thoughts and have different levels of ability to deal with them also. Be a support and be supported. Signs of stress or anxiety can often be clear so be prompt in your action. You should know the mood and what your kitchen can be; like a well-rehearsed song, that you know instantly if somebody is out of tune.

I maintain that food should be accessible and not a well kept secret. We are all connected by our love of food, and so should share that freely: talk. Talk, don’t tell. Share with each other your knowledge about food, your experiences, ideas, inspirations and realign your personal mission statement before it gets so entangled in a stifled, emotion-driven silence.

Chefs have been tarred with the ‘tired and cranky’ brush for far too long. We are allowed to be vulnerable and to feel the highs and the lows in equal measure. With every failed soufflé, comes a memory; with every memory comes an experience and with every experience comes an opportunity to grow. Do not retreat from these moments; rather cherish them as soon-to-be highlights in your own memory bank of learning.

Finally, from a diners’ perspective also food evokes memory. As chefs we owe it to the legion of great chefs before us to facilitate the creation of more special memories through the dishes which we present. It is an honour to be entrusted with this task. However, as humans, we owe it to ourselves to take care of one another, to know when the relationship is fraught and in need of repair, and to ensure we are able for the role before we reach the point of burnout.

Cook with the head and with the heart, but above all, cook smart.

John Barker.

Summer Season is here.

This week I want to talk about how we can cope when it gets difficult in the Kitchen. The answers are very different for everybody so I’m hoping to break it down in a way that relates to everyone and can be applied to you all.

As ever, it is so important that you tell me what you think guys. Do you agree with what I’m saying? Do you your own ideas to add?

For me the summer season really starts now and its more important than ever to make time to look after ourselves. The reality is that we are now going to be working long days in very difficult conditions. What can we do to look after ourselves so that we can thrive rather than sink in the pressure?

At Cooking In Mind we have broken it down into three topics. They are simple and potentially obvious, but how many of us don’t work on the simple things?


This is thinking about what we put into our bodies. What we eat and drink will fuel us and will make up the cells in our bodies that then in turn will dictate our moods and emotions.

The reality is that if we are working a 10 or 12 hour shift that we are not going to able to eat a structured three meals at regular times with all the food groups we need. Its time to face that.

Firstly, water water water water water. It really is the most important thing you need in the kitchen. If you cant do anything else, make sure you are drinking at least 2l of water a day. Give you mind and body a chance.

My way to look at it is to ensure that one meal a day is nutritious. In your day, make sure you have one good meal set in stone. The time you’ll have it and what it is. Then do your best with eating for the rest of your day.

Cooking In Mind will be introducing a staff food project in time. Watch this space. We should be providing that important meal for our chefs.


This is quite the conversation for chefs. We may cover up to 10km a shift on our feet in one shift. Isn’t that enough? Well yes, it is but it isn’t exercise that will help our minds. What it means is that you want to think carefully about what exercise will suit you best.

A simple walk in the fresh air on our brakes will help our minds more than you know. Studies have been carried out all over the world and have shown that an hour a day in nature is as effective as taking anti-depressant meditation at increasing mood.

For us, we will always suggest running. It builds strength and energy levels which will help you with being on your feet all day. Of course it needs some thought and might not be the best option if you will be covering a lot of distance on your feet. Be careful not to overdo it. And be very sure to up your water and food intake when you are running or exhaustion could be a real problem

I believe yoga could be the future answer for chefs. It offers us everything we need whilst taking the pressure off our bodies. It can build strength in both body and mind.


Other than what we consume and how we look after our bodies, at times there isn’t much else we can control about our day.

Stoicism teaches us that we should only worry about the things we have control over. Obvious right?

We don’t have control over what happens in the kitchen. We don’t have any control over how people will treat us. But we do have control over how we react to them. We can control whether sometimes makes us feel anxious or scared. It might not seem it sometimes but we do.

How do I take control of this?

Well we are huge believers in meditation. Apps like Headspace have made meditation available for all. I can confirm that by learning to take control over your thoughts for 30 minute periods daily, you can carry this on when times get difficult in work. It is the simple process of focusing on your breath and redirecting your thoughts to it whenever they wander. When I first tried this I could last around 40 seconds before getting too frustrated and having to stop. After a few weeks however, I was managing 15 minutes. I am starting to see a real difference in how I process problems. Slower, calmer.

As ever, if you have read this far I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
