Thinking like a team worker.

In simple terms there is no way that as a chef you can achieve everything you want to on your own. As an individual you will always achieve more as part of a team than on your own.

On a practical level this could mean simply that each member of the team can focus on what they are good at. Different chefs have different strengths and weaknesses so managing this will always work out best for the team.

I’ve always known that but I wanted to dig a little deeper. When I’m working as part of a team I feel stronger, like I can achieve more. I wanted to look at why.

I started by thinking about how I have felt working alone. Even though the workload suits working alone I have never felt as productive. Going into it I felt it would be the opposite, that I would be so productive as I didn’t have to put time into managing anyone.

So, I knew there had to be more to it.

Kitchens are very tough places. Even at the best of times there is a pressure to be perfect, to not make any mistakes and to achieve a specific goal. Sharing this strain can really make it feel more manageable.

When I’ve been alone in the kitchen and something goes wrong I have found it far more challenging than when with a team of chefs. You can get brought down by a mistake or stress and then not be able to pull yourself out of it. That feeling of stress can stay with me and become anxiety.

During any day there will be times when the stress gets to a specific member of the team. Its more than possible that at this time other chefs could be on the high of the wave. There to help the one struggling. A couple of hours later the favour can be re-payed.

That to me is the fundamental reason why being part of a team will always be important.

Suddenly the importance of building a strong team in the kitchen takes a new level of importance.

So find your place or build your team and don’t take it for granted.

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