
Happy 2020 everyone !

I’ve been away for while, away from the kitchen, away from social media, away from the western world. I needed a break. I knew that and I was fortunate enough to be able to take it.

In November I traveled to India to complete my 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training certificate. A wonderful experience and a huge step in my personal growth and development.

What have a learnt?



Space is good for my soul.

I learnt it is vital to give yourself some space from the professional kitchen. I’ve always believed it, now I know it. I understand it might not be that simple in a world of family and mortgages but I think it should be a very serious consideration when moving up through the career ladder as a chef. A holiday isn’t a holiday when you are the captain of a kitchen. Your mind is always still wondering and your phone might still be ringing.

Take a break between jobs if you can. Give your mind some space, to come back to your true self, not only the self who is running a kitchen.



I really love to cook.

I went about 6 weeks without cooking a single thing, and I really missed it. I think the best way to know whether you want to cook all the time is to stop cooking and see how you feel. If you feel relieved and like you never want to cook again then id say there is a message there.

For me I was desperate to cook something. I learnt cooking is meant to be a part of my life.



A yogic lifestyle is the one for me.

I learnt more than just how to teach an asana class. I learnt about philosophy, diet and lifestyle. I learnt that we need to look after our body, mind and spirit, the by doing this we can understand ourselves and live in true balance


I learnt that I am to bring Yoga into both my cooking, my chefing and into

I hope you are all have a wonderfully peaceful start to 2020.


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