
I’ve only realised over the past few days that for the last month or two my brain has been racing at about a million miles an hour with ideas, plans and ways to change the world for me and for others. The realisation I have had though is that I haven’t been able to put any detail to any of those thoughts because there are simply too many.

My brain then tries to tell me that Ive failed. The spiral needs to stop.

But how?

A very good friend of mine Dan Keeley from AREWEOKUK got me thinking about this last week.

Firstly, take a breathe. Take a breathe and think about how far you have come.

Secondly, Simply Simplify Simplify

When you feel inspired it is very easy to end up with a huge list of ideas, to-dos or plans. They could be 1 week, 1 month or 1 year plans. You can tell yourself that you have a good plan but its so easy to get lost in it, like i did.

Think about what is important to you right now.

As a chef it could be:

  • Learn a new skill
  • Get a promotion
  • Find a new job
  • Spend more time with your family
  • Take up running

Think about what is most important to you and work on it with all your focus. Of course don’t forget about the other things that are important to you but don’t try to make too many changes all at once. Simple

As ever, fancy a chat?, hit the contact me button.

Until next time

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