Run : Talk : Cook

I’ve found myself sat in a cafe writing about how running is so bloody great. I could not be happier.

The big difference this time is that I’m writing after having not run for about a month. I’ve had a tough summer of work and found that adding running into the equation was just too much. Fortunately I have Yoga though but that’s for another post.

For those of you who know me you’ll know I like to run a lot. I ran the Brighton marathon and raised money for CALM last summer which is one of my fondest memories and greatest achievements.

During my darkest of days around 3 years ago it was running that offered me the most. It offered me focus and something to be positive about.

The feeling of calm and of freedom from running is a wonderful thing and one I would recommend to anyone who can be prone to worry or anxiety. When you run things become clearer and in perspective. If you have a problem or a big decision to make I assure you it will seem a little lighter during and after a run.

Today I’m thinking a lot about whether or not running regularly is a good idea for an overworked stressed out chef?

I’ve been torn. Was I right to decide to not run this summer through the most stressful of my career?

During the busy times I think you have to be very careful to look after yourself physically. Any form of over exercise could be really dangerous, great for the mind but physically worrying.

So, balance is the key I think. I would have still benefited from a couple of low intensity runs but as I said before I replaced this with an ever developing yoga practice which enabled me to get the benefits but without spending more time on my feet. Balance I think.

I miss running though. A lot. My brother is taking on a half marathon in the coming months and I couldn’t be prouder but also couldn’t be more jealous.

My point to the cheffing world is that running is a wonderful thing to be doing. It makes an almost immediate difference to the stress and anxiety you feel from the kitchen. But what you do need to do is be careful. If you have worked a 12 hour day on your feet and feel physically exhausted then a high intensity run probably isn’t a great idea.

For me it also leads on to thinking about that good old work life balance. If you cant find the energy to run then perhaps that balance is a bit off? Below is a link to my discussion about this going into a bit more detail.

There is a lot more to be said about running and it will be in the upcoming months. I’ll report back how much I am loving it to be back on the stomp.


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