
The most unique times for our industry.

Its time to reflect.

I’ve spent the last week thinking about what I could say. I’ve been speaking relentlessly about how we need reform in the hospitality industry and now for the time being there is no hospitality industry.

We are all no doubt in very different situations. We need to put our loved ones first. We need to look out for our colleagues.

We need to get our house in order.

This is where my wonderful friends at the Chefs Union come in. Brian and the whole team are working relentlessly to make sure everyone is looked after and safe. There are links here from my site. Please take a look

Then my friends we need to accept where we are and reflect on our lives, reflect on what is important and be kind to ourselves and the others around us (from a distance of course).

Acceptance is tough. But its is always got to be the first stage. This will end. We will all return to our jobs. To our kitchens. To our lives.

Reflection is a magical and important thing we should all try to do.

In all my years in the kitchen I’ve never really found that time.

That time is now. Its time to reflect simply on what is important to you. This has the potential to be life changing for you in such a positive way. A real chance to stop and breathe. Something almost every chef I have ever spoken to has been asking for. Its here and we don’t have any choice but to embrace it.

This is my reflection on what is happening. I believe that an entire industry needed a rest. A reset. It is under the saddest of terms but chefs we have to accept and reflect so that when things return to normal we are all stronger, we all know what is important to us and we all have to mental space to love ourselves and each other.

Stay safe everyone.

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