Lean Out Of Your Comfort Zone

Cooking in mind is getting real.

I start cooking in mind as a blog. I still love the blog and I want to get out there and do something in the real world.

The first cooking in mind event features RUN TALK RUN. I am a huge believer that running for chefs and hospitality workers could be a great tool in the box for coping with the stresses of the kitchen. Its great for anxiety, perspective and a way to reset the mind from being in work for such long hours.

So when the opportunity arose to host a special RUN TALK RUN with Jess Robson I saw the chance to meet others with a similar mindset. So on Monday 7th October at 10am its going to happen.

I’m nervous, I’m not going to lie. Am I heading right out of my comfort zone. But I am ready. This is the direction I want cooking in mind to go. I want to explore how I can spend my time running, meditating and doing yoga with people in the hospitality industry.

I believe its my way to make a difference in the battle against poor mental health in the kitchen.

Now to see who is with me, whether there is a demand for this. Whether others see the difference. I’d like to now meet as many chefs who run, or who have other hobbies or passions they use to help them cope in the kitchen.

Its a test to push the boundaries of our comfort zone. The modern world encourages us to stay safely within them. Similar posts, suggested music on spotify or suggested profiles on instagram are all examples of this. But, we all know we feel better when we go out of our comfort zones and it doesn’t kill us.

The safety of staying in the same kitchen, whether good or bad is an example of this. Pushing your boundaries is a great feeling.As cooks, we can do it whenever we like. Try cooking a Biryani if you’ve never cooked one before. Whether it comes out well or not it will give you a rush to try.

Embrace new challenges and see where it takes you.

Bring on the future

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