I haven’t been feeling so great.

Good morning Cooking In Minders.

I need this white screen at the moment. Truth be told, I’m haven’t been doing so well lately. I year that has tested my mental health and taken me back to the dark times I’m afraid. I feeling of shame, disappointment with myself and a feeling that I’ve become a fraud. I talk about all the things to make things better. I’ve lightened my load in the kitchen, a teaching yoga and yet somehow I’m spending days in the same mental space of anxiety and depression that I did 6 years ago.

However, I’ve found the courage to ask for help, found the courage to speak to the people around me and I will beat this. My days are not numbered in the way I’ve been speaking of.

I took time completely from writing here because how could I talk about helping people when I needed the help myself. Then, I remembered that’s the whole point. Opening up, having conversations and learning more about my own mental health. The ratio of good to bad days has got too high, but that will change.

I will listen to my doctors
I will run
I will move
I will fight
I will lean into the fear
I will talk

And that’s what will have me fighting fit again.

If you feel this way at the moment please trust me that it is worth the fight. It’s always worth the fight and there is always someone in your corner.


I don’t know everything.

How are we all doing?

As the seasons begin to change its time for a check in. This is one of those times where its good to take some time to check in how things are in how i’m feeling. The summer is a time of fire (pitta in the the yoga world) where its difficult to slow down, to ground enough to see what is happening. That’s ok for me as long as i check in now.

The summer has been a time of change. I have been finishing my horse box conversion, that’s right im going it alone! Which is exciting and scary all at the same time. Its been ups and downs, its been frustrating and at times I’ve not handled it at all well. Anxiety has become a huge part of my life again. Can I overcome it, oh hell yeah.

Understanding that not being able to do something is OK has been my biggest takeaway. Running a kitchen is a very different skill set to that of running a business. I’ve had to accept that I lack a lot of the skills I need. Its hit my self confidence. I’m coming through this now, understanding that that is OK. I can learn. Like I learnt to do a lot of things in the kitchen.

The positive is always that by not knowing how to do something you learn something new once you master it. At the time I really seem to struggle not knowing. A fear of failure I’m sure as chefs you all know?

Sitting down here to talk about this and to think about how this time has effected me has been therapeutic in itself. I love doing this and I thank anyone who has read this from the bottom of my heart but to be honest its not important how many of you read this. I do hope my thoughts might trigger your thoughts. Thats the point of flying this into the internet word.

Have a great day.

An update and a reach out to my fellow chefs.

Good morning kind readers.

I’ve been making a few changes to how Cooking In Mind looks. I started in black and white, I loved that vibe but two years on I think a bit of colour is needed. A bright yellow felt right.

Its been a strange time for us all and that includes Cooking In Mind. My vision is the ‘blackboard’ which is the space for chefs to hand over their ideas to tips to the next chef. It is still is but has proved very hard. If you are one of the wonderful chefs who Ive spoken to I thank you from the bottom of my heart but why is the blackboard not full? Why haven’t we got that over the line?

This process has shown me how hard this really is.

Is it hard to put your thoughts into words?

Do you trust me and CookingInMind?

Is there still stigma concerns?

Are you simply to busy?

I’m writing this morning to ask you? Have you considered getting in touch with me but it hasn’t quite happened? What can I do to help you share what makes the kitchen work for you?

If you have ever thought of getting in touch with me perhaps this is the time, the time to pass on your wisdom, give something back to your chefs and make yourself feel wonderful…

The fog is clearing, know your self worth.

Handle with care.

The fog is clearing.

Here we are, ready to work hard and do great things.

Its mental health awareness week 2021 and its such a fascinating time to work in hospitality. The world can not wait to get back out and connect with their chefs and as chefs we are ready to go.

I wanted to use this time to talk about self worth. It’s a battle that so much people have.

What do you think you are worth? I’m here right now to tell you that you are worth so much. You are worth all the skills and accomplishments that you have ‘banked’, a great term I heard only today. You are worth what your gut and your heart is telling you that can do.

Your self worth is also your values. Have faith in those core values and you will know your worth.

And one last thing. Dont feel your pressure to push past your self worth. It will hurt.

The pandemic has been a big test to my concept of self worth. I’ve not run a kitchen now for over a year, it’s given me a chance to evaluate my self worth and what I feel I have to give and to share.

It’s in my gut and I’m listening,

As ever, please do get in touch and chat with me if you have thoughts, perhaps you can take this further and continue the conversation 🧘‍♂️

This future is… well it’s causing me anxiety.

Brian of the national chefs union asked me to talk about the ongoing risk of depression in the kitchen.

I drafted articles about the state of the industry and how it compares to what I wrote about mental health in the kitchen in 2017 but then realised that what was going on in my own head was very different. The uncertainty of the future. It made me wonder if this is what is going through anyone else’s mind?

There is a real uncertainly in our future and that’s what I want to talk about. How do we manage that in term of our mental health?

In the present we can only be our best selves right?. That’s forever the case. Once we learn our limitations then we take control of a situation. Do everything we can to take control of what is in our control. The rest will just happen. Be open with our employers. Do our best.

I understand that.

But the future is something none of us can foresee. The future has always been something that causes me huge amounts of anxiety. Not nesseraliy worrying about what is coming because I know I can’t control that, but worrying about what I should be doing today to give myself the best chance in the future. Does anybody else suffer this anxiety? It can cause me to freeze. Panic. Have all these pages and pages of to-do lists all of which could be affecting the path I’m on and my chances of future happiness!

I feel like some days I am on top of this anxiety. I can do one thing on my to-do list that will take me towards my goals and is true to me. But it only works to an extent.

How does anybody else deal with this anxiety? Who doesn’t suffer this anxiety and how and why don’t you?

Being manly.

What the hell does that mean?

How do I wrote this inclusively of all? I’m not sure I can. I’m writing it as me. An approaching Middle Aged man who has been a chef and now a yoga teacher. I’ve never been overly physically strong, I’ve suffered mental health issues and I’ve run a marathon and I love a nice hot bubble bath.

Am I manly? Am a masculine?

I’ve had days when be felt really unmanly, girly, feminine, to then voice that to someone and hear them respond with “but I see you as very manly”, not “it’s ok to not be manly you know” which was what I expected.

Why does it even matter?

Well it shouldn’t but it does seem to be a bother to me. If you tell yourself something doesn’t matter but clearly it is bothering you it can only make things worse. Of course

So clearly it does matter to me.

Was I brought up in a time where being tough and being strong is very important. Sure. I’ve felt weak at various points of my life so it’s only natural that it would effect me.

Being aware of the thought process calms me down massively. At times that connection is what I need to take control of it and work my head around it.

Where does this fit into the well-being of chefs?

Well it’s simple, theres a huge amount of pressure of chefs to be strong. Even today in a kitchen I would find it almost impossible to express any weakness.

The pressure that puts on you Isn’t healthy. It simply can’t be.

During our new covid normal I’m reading more and more stories of chefs having to to work harder, longer and under more pressure.

It’s a pressure cooker in the mind.

Is standing up to not being ok manly or not?

Being manly is having the strength to talk about how things aren’t ok. That you don’t feel ok.

I’m sure of it. Just about. I still need to tell myself sometimes.

Stay safe everyone


Your voice

When I say your voice I mean a lot more than the words you say.

Your voice is your connection to your true self. A term I really like. That state where you are being true to yourself at its core and you are not being directed by external stresses.

Yoga philosophy sees our voice being effected by the 5th chakra. The throat chakra, the Vishuddha. A blue energy. We are looking to have each chakra in balance.

In particular to us chefs I am interested in how this means we communicate.

Balancing your voice

Deficient- timid, not sticking up for yourself, leads to be being walked all over in the kitchen. Being blamed for things you haven’t done, working too many hours as you don’t say no!

In excess- self important, arrogant, not prepared to listen to the ideas and feelings of others in the kitchen.

A great chef is a chef that has managed to balance this energy.

Which one are you? Can you see a lack of balance in yourself?

Your personality and body composition will of course emphasize this. Too much fire in your system will likely put you into excess whilst too much water will likely make your voice deficient.

This is yoga philosophy at it’s best. Helping you to understand what you could be doing to feel more in balance and therefore more calm.

How what we eat could help?

In excess, try cooling foods such as coconut or deficient then try a bit of chilli or garlic to stoke your inner fire.

In general ripe fruits are known to help balance the energy in your throat chakra. They symbolize authenticity as they only fall from the tree at the right time. Also anything blue to nourish the energy. Purple Sprouting broccoli or blueberries perhaps.

The movement or Yoga Asana and how this can help.

Balance is the key here.

Deficiency of your voice can be helped along by opening the chest, shoulders and throat.

Asana’s such as fish, ideally supported fish, or melting heart.

In excess means you need to try to close down that area. Forward folds of almost any kind will be beneficial. Shoulderstand as well, this asana has the added benefit of the calming and cooling effect of the inversion.

Balance as ever is the key, doing a combination of both is often the key. It’s not easy to start getting the benefits this way from yoga asana, it takes time and practice but it really is worth sticking with.

If you have any questions or would like some guidance I would love to hear from you,

There are always other activities you can do to help balance your voice. Activities that stoke your inner fire will also help. Sport for example? To calm your voice you could do something as simple as take 5 deep breaths when you feel yourself at melting point.

If you’re interested, get in touch 🙂

You know yourself, trust it. That’s so important to remember.


Bringing awareness to your emotions. With yoga.

For #mentalhealthawarenessweek this year I’m thinking about Yoga and how my yoga practice has helped me bring awareness to my own mental health.

So, a bit of a spin but stay with me.

I believe that I can use my yoga practice to bring awareness to my own mental health.

For example I may feel anxious as I practice certain poses or get angry and frustrated during poses I struggle with on certain days but on others could feel calm with the difficulty.

Some more examples:

  • If you can’t sit quietly in meditation then perhaps your mind is racing during day to day life at the moment.
  • If you judge yourself for how you are practicing your yoga, are you judging yourself in other areas of your life?
  • If you are frustrated or angered by the teacher or yourself, do you doing this with others in your life?

I see the process of a yoga practice in a similar way to life itself.

Yoga can bring joy but can also make you feel terrible. Its not usually on the teachers websites mind. There are certain poses that you will find suit you and certain poses you will find easier than the others around you. I’ve always found this hard, but in learning to deal with it in a yoga class you can learn to do it in the workplace and in life generally.

Does this help me?

Well, sometimes it doesn’t help at all. Sometimes my practice will simply tell me what I already knew.

But it can bring me aware or how I am feeling.

Other times my practice can slow me down. My brain may be in overdrive with positivity and ideas but just waiting to crash.

The awareness then brings me back into control. I can make my next move.

I believe in practicing yoga calmly, without judgement, knowing how far and when to push my body, by practicing with balance.

Perhaps the way to practice life…

If you are interested in seeing how Yoga could help you. Keep an eye out for one of my online practices or drop me a message for a chat.


How would you like your lifestyle to look?

Now could be your time to think about it.

During the days I was working every hour in the day all I could think about was what I could do if only I had more time. I would read novels, go out to dinner with my friends, go for a pint with a mate, start cycling etc etc etc.

Ring any bells?

So at the moment we are in strange times and you have been handed on a plate that time you craved, but… you have huge restrictions as to how you can use it?!

For example looking back at my list, the novels is all I could really start doing. However this time could be a great time to reflect, a great time to get to grips with what is important to you.

I’ve already talked about work / life balance. It should be agiven but it is still something we have to fight for. This time gives you the time to think about…

How would a social life look for you?

The things you dream of when you’re in the middle of service. Dinner with friends? Time and energy to ride a bike?

What makes you feel good?

What you want to fight for?

This reflection is important I think. I burnt out from such a job that gave me no balance about 7 years ago. I didn’t think about what was happening and I actually suffered a lot of anxiety from having all this extra time and no idea what to do with it.

In essence I craved going back to that life.

That’s not balance.

But it takes work to make such a huge lifestyle change. Those friends you used to hang out with on a Friday night have no doubt moved on. You wouldn’t fall straight back in.

But over time I have found what a life balance is for me. Its taken to this day. I enjoy slowing down. I enjoy running, I enjoy practicing and studying yoga. I enjoy cooking, eating and drinking with loved ones.

Why you want to fight for it?

This is so important and for you maybe needs to come before the what. For me I knew that a life so far out of balance was simply unsustainable. I had myself in my 40’s or 50’s doing the same thing. I also knew there had to be more to life. I knew I needed change. For you it could be any number of reasons. Your family? Your mental and physical health?

How you are going to fight for it?

Here’ s the big one. It is going take some serious courage to see these changes. As I said above, I struggled, I really struggled.


The first step is to commit to the change. Mean it.


What do you need from your work life to make this happen? Can your current job accommodate your dreams? Can you speak with managers or whoever is going to make this happen?


You’ve done it. You’ve made the change. Be ready to know that its not going to be as easy as you thought. More space means more time to think. Its so important to take things slowly, be non judgemental or yourself.

As ever, I don’t have the answers fro you. I do however have a lot of experience of thinking about these questions. I still am. I have never found the balance of having a healthy social life. So we are all in this together. Thinking and improving our lives together.


Balance of Work & Life

How is your balance?

April 2020. What a time to write about Work/Life balance.

The kitchens are closed. We are at home. We are out of balance.

Balance to me is the most important concept to consider when trying to improve wellbeing. Its human nature to require balance.

Traditionally bad balance.

Before these unprecedented times we all at one time or another experienced a lifestyle out of balance the other way. Not all of us, I have read great stories about kitchens that are finding ways to find better work/life balance, but it is still the case across the world that chefs are being asked to work long, inconsistent hours.

One aspect of the problem is the expectation of the hospitality industry. Traditionally work/life balanced hasn’t been managed well and at the heart of the aims of the chefs union are to tackle these issues varying from split shifts, long/anti social hours, not having any fixed hours or being given no notice to make any plans. Stick with us to find out more.

This will change.

Perhaps as soon as when we go back to work. We will fight for these rights.

I want you to have a think about what your work/life balance would like you. If you were in full control of it. Like you should be.

I am a big believer in taking control of our own wellbeing. During the time of my career when I had the worst work/life balance I made it worse by having a couple of pints at the end of each shift.

I started to run. A lot. For me I found it gave me something that was away from work and I could easily fit it around the anti-social hours I had. Ona simple levels I sarted taking time for myself and sat in cafes and drank coffee.

It was also a cue to me to move on. I did. I found a better work/life balance.

The Benefits to business that looks after this balance.

  • high morale leading to increased productivity
  • less fatigue related mistakes
  • being a responsible employer will attract the best chefs.
  • staff retention becomes easier

How does work/life balance look?

  1. No Chef should have to miss weddings and family occasions simply because they are a chef
  2. Having the options to do things in your life that isn’t work
  3. evening and weekend time off to spend with friend and family that aren’t in the hospitality industry
  4. Consistent and advanced notice time off. To build a routine and make plans.

As ever, I simply hope this gives you something to think about. Talk to us if you are looking to improve your work/life balance. We are here for you.