Yamas & Niyamas

The Yogic answer to how we can can look at ourselves, to look at how we can be our best selves.

How can we apply ancient philosophies to the modern day hospitality industry?

Patanjali, who wrote the definitive guide to yoga so to speak hundreds of years ago broke yoga down into 8 limbs.

The first two limbs of yoga relate to how we treat others and how we treat ourselves. We’ve talked a lot about #nofearinthekitchen back last year for example. We’ve also talked about looking after our bodies and how we mustn’t put to much pressure onto ourselves.

The theories form a basis for a lot of western self help therapies and life coaching.

The Yamas which are how we treat others translates into English as:

  1. Non violence
  2. Truthfulness
  3. Non Stealing
  4. Non-lust
  5. Non-possessiveness

The Niyamas, how we treat ourselves translates to:

  1. Purity of body and mind
  2. Modesty, contentment with what we have. Acceptance that there is a purpose for everything
  3. Disciplined use of energy
  4. Self Study and observation
  5. Celebration of the spirit within you and all things

Now I think we could all see that if as individuals we all modeled our behavior in the kitchen to these points we would be able to create a more harmonious, safe environment for all.

Which of these points relate to you?

Can you see the negative effects in your kitchen from anyone breaking any of these points?

Can you see how following these simple ideas could create a great kitchen?

The interesting part of the Yamas and Niyamas are that we are all in full control. We can all be aware of our behavior. We can all spot when we are acting harmfully. Its a game of awareness. A game of seeing the difference in how you feel and how others feel about you when you act your best self. It is that simple.

Keep your eye on www.cookinginmind. I’m going to talk about the first Yama which is non violence, Ahimsa in more detail.

Thank you to Virium (https://www.instagram.com/viriam_yoga/?hl=en) for her teachings.

Namaste and see you all soon.

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