The fog is clearing, know your self worth.

Handle with care.

The fog is clearing.

Here we are, ready to work hard and do great things.

Its mental health awareness week 2021 and its such a fascinating time to work in hospitality. The world can not wait to get back out and connect with their chefs and as chefs we are ready to go.

I wanted to use this time to talk about self worth. It’s a battle that so much people have.

What do you think you are worth? I’m here right now to tell you that you are worth so much. You are worth all the skills and accomplishments that you have ‘banked’, a great term I heard only today. You are worth what your gut and your heart is telling you that can do.

Your self worth is also your values. Have faith in those core values and you will know your worth.

And one last thing. Dont feel your pressure to push past your self worth. It will hurt.

The pandemic has been a big test to my concept of self worth. I’ve not run a kitchen now for over a year, it’s given me a chance to evaluate my self worth and what I feel I have to give and to share.

It’s in my gut and I’m listening,

As ever, please do get in touch and chat with me if you have thoughts, perhaps you can take this further and continue the conversation 🧘‍♂️

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