Good morning Cooking In Minders.
I need this white screen at the moment. Truth be told, I’m haven’t been doing so well lately. I year that has tested my mental health and taken me back to the dark times I’m afraid. I feeling of shame, disappointment with myself and a feeling that I’ve become a fraud. I talk about all the things to make things better. I’ve lightened my load in the kitchen, a teaching yoga and yet somehow I’m spending days in the same mental space of anxiety and depression that I did 6 years ago.
However, I’ve found the courage to ask for help, found the courage to speak to the people around me and I will beat this. My days are not numbered in the way I’ve been speaking of.
I took time completely from writing here because how could I talk about helping people when I needed the help myself. Then, I remembered that’s the whole point. Opening up, having conversations and learning more about my own mental health. The ratio of good to bad days has got too high, but that will change.
I will listen to my doctors
I will run
I will move
I will fight
I will lean into the fear
I will talk
And that’s what will have me fighting fit again.
If you feel this way at the moment please trust me that it is worth the fight. It’s always worth the fight and there is always someone in your corner.