An update and a reach out to my fellow chefs.

Good morning kind readers.

I’ve been making a few changes to how Cooking In Mind looks. I started in black and white, I loved that vibe but two years on I think a bit of colour is needed. A bright yellow felt right.

Its been a strange time for us all and that includes Cooking In Mind. My vision is the ‘blackboard’ which is the space for chefs to hand over their ideas to tips to the next chef. It is still is but has proved very hard. If you are one of the wonderful chefs who Ive spoken to I thank you from the bottom of my heart but why is the blackboard not full? Why haven’t we got that over the line?

This process has shown me how hard this really is.

Is it hard to put your thoughts into words?

Do you trust me and CookingInMind?

Is there still stigma concerns?

Are you simply to busy?

I’m writing this morning to ask you? Have you considered getting in touch with me but it hasn’t quite happened? What can I do to help you share what makes the kitchen work for you?

If you have ever thought of getting in touch with me perhaps this is the time, the time to pass on your wisdom, give something back to your chefs and make yourself feel wonderful…

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