I don’t know everything.

How are we all doing?

As the seasons begin to change its time for a check in. This is one of those times where its good to take some time to check in how things are in how i’m feeling. The summer is a time of fire (pitta in the the yoga world) where its difficult to slow down, to ground enough to see what is happening. That’s ok for me as long as i check in now.

The summer has been a time of change. I have been finishing my horse box conversion, that’s right im going it alone! Which is exciting and scary all at the same time. Its been ups and downs, its been frustrating and at times I’ve not handled it at all well. Anxiety has become a huge part of my life again. Can I overcome it, oh hell yeah.

Understanding that not being able to do something is OK has been my biggest takeaway. Running a kitchen is a very different skill set to that of running a business. I’ve had to accept that I lack a lot of the skills I need. Its hit my self confidence. I’m coming through this now, understanding that that is OK. I can learn. Like I learnt to do a lot of things in the kitchen.

The positive is always that by not knowing how to do something you learn something new once you master it. At the time I really seem to struggle not knowing. A fear of failure I’m sure as chefs you all know?

Sitting down here to talk about this and to think about how this time has effected me has been therapeutic in itself. I love doing this and I thank anyone who has read this from the bottom of my heart but to be honest its not important how many of you read this. I do hope my thoughts might trigger your thoughts. Thats the point of flying this into the internet word.

Have a great day.

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